Have you ever thought about joining the executive?, News (Norwood Minor Hockey)

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Mar 19, 2024 | Jen Stewart | 778 views
Have you ever thought about joining the executive?
In preparation for the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) we want to give everyone some time to review the executive positions to see if there is an opportunity for you to assist NDMS on the executive next season. 

This year’s AGM is scheduled for Monday April 29th, 2024. 

NDMS needs a committed and energetic executive team. NDMS cannot exist without the important volunteer support from membership. 
Becoming an executive member is a very important role. NDMS relies heavily on its volunteers to ensure hockey is available to all in Norwood. Being an executive member does come with responsibilities, time commitments and a willingness to be a part of tough discussions and decisions. Depending on the role - the time and commitment level can vary. 


Additionally, please be aware many of the program implementation decisions endorsed by the executive each year, are mandated by the regulations set forward by the OMHA, EOMHL, Leo League and Hockey Canada. 


What is expected of an executive member?


The executive meets monthly, the 2nd Monday of the month - except on holiday weekends when it is rescheduled typically for the following Tuesday evening. Meetings are held at 7pm at the arena Attendance is expected - failure to attend multiple meetings in a row, could lead to dismissal if deemed appropriate by the executive. 

Special meetings can be called at the discretion of the executive when needed. 

Additional meetings, required attendance determined by position, may be executed from August 1 - Thanksgiving at the commencement of the season (via zoom when possible).

Length of meetings can vary anywhere from 1-3+ hours and is determined by items/discussions on the agenda

Often there are communications outside of meetings via email (when needed)

Depending on the position – executive members may be required to be available at times to respond to situations that arise.


ABOVE ALL ELSE – an executive member’s duty is to aid in making decisions that will benefit OUR ENTIRE organization.



a. The voting members of NDMS, its Executive shall be:

(Duties of positions are listed below but are not limited to just items stated)

1. Past President

2. President

3. 1st. Vice President

4. 2nd Vice President

5. Secretary/Website

6. Treasurer

7. Ice Scheduler

8. OMHA Contact Person

9. Special Projects/Fundraising

10. Equipment Manager

11. Parent Liason

12. Tournaments Convenor     

13. Referee in Chief

14. Director 1

15. Director 2

16. Coach Coordinator


g. Duties of the Executive Members:


                Sits on finance committee

                Represents NDMS on user group agreement committee

                Handles complaints and redirects individuals to the applicable executive member

                Attends all coach meetings


                Represents NDMS with Leo League (attending monthly meetings, distributing minutes and any relevant information to the teams/executive, work with ice scheduler/ref in chief for games) 

                Attend parent meetings in absence of Parent Liaison

                Attends all coach meetings


                Attend parent meetings in absence of Parent Liaison                                                         

                Organizes year end awards

                In charge of timekeepers, scheduling and ensures all NDMS games are covered

                Assists secretary with organizing Coach Surveys


                Record, store and distribute minutes of all executive meetings

                Notifies executive members of the time and place of meetings

                Provides copies of Constitution to membership and update constitution annually

                Sends out correspondence concerning NDMS to executive and enrolled families

                Assists with registration mail outs/emails

                Sits on finance committee

                Attends coach meetings takes and distributes minutes

                Communicates with team Managers directly on Manager on duties and responsibilities including 50/50, fundraising, game sheets, etc…

                Communicate association deadlines to team staff regarding AP (associated player) and final roster deadlines.

                Oversees Police Checks are completed for the organization and advises executive if a member is not approved. Properly files all information to ensure confidentiality

                Receives and organizes coach surveys this could be the responsibility of the coach coordinator/on ice development 

                Runs and maintains NDMS Website and all other social media

                Updates website with all tournament scheduling and sets up back office

                Updates site with current information from executive and teams

                Looks into and recommends to executive any ideas that can enhance website


                Maintains all financial records for Minor Sports

                Makes bank deposits

                Looks after all funds being deposited and withdrawn from the Minor Sports Accounts

                Administers weekly referee wage payments and monthly timekeeper wage payments

                Provides monthly financial reports for minor sports meetings

                Ensures all teams provide a year-end financial report

                Sits on finance committee and prepares budget for executive consideration

                Oversees and confirms all registrations from OMHA Contact Person  


                Contact and distributor of information from the OMHA

                E.O.M.H.L. representative attends monthly meetings

                Source for information for all NDMS team staff

                Ensures all players are pre-registered before tryouts begin including new players and 3.5’s.

                Assists new players/parents with the transfer process.

                Completes team rosters, including bench staff and affiliated players throughout the season prior to OMHA due dates.

                Works with other nearby centres with rule 3.5.

                Ensures that Right of Choice forms are filled out for eligible players in their first year of rep hockey.

                Fills out all requested Permission to Skate forms and all other relevant tryout forms for larger centres.

                Completes OMHA playoff contracts with other centres.

                Completes travel permits for all tournaments and exhibition games.

                Ensures that officials (referee in chief), time keepers, arena, website organizer, ice scheduler are contacted as soon as games are cancelled. 

                Responsible for play-off scheduling and working with ice scheduler

                Attends OMHA annual meeting as NDMS representative

                Attends all coaches meetings


                Oversees all NDMS fundraising, Legacy Fund fundraising and special events organization

                Organize & Supervise Team Pictures. Has mounted for display at the arena

                Organizes & Assists with the organization of the minor sports golf tournament


                Maintains and distributes minor sports equipment, sweaters, pucks, water bottles, socks and 1st aid kits.

                Finds sponsors and renews sponsors for sweaters

                Keeps inventory of equipment

                Ensures each team has someone designated to care for equipment assigned to teams

                Collects all equipment at end of season


                Deals with parents, players & staff issues/complaints

                Be available when teams are selected to ensure a smooth transition to respective teams ( at the request of coaches)

                Ensures all dealings (teams, parents, players) are communicated to the President  

                Calls on 1st or 2nd Vice when assistance is required, or a conflict of interest arises

                Assists 2nd Vice with Year End Awards

                Attends all Parent Meetings – makes arrangements for alternate when not available

                Attends Coaches Meetings



                Has the option to schedule and ensure referees are at all games or to utilize an assigner

                Deals with any and all referee concerns/issues

                Advises new referees of clinics available

                Supervises all referees during the season

                Provides tournament conveners with list of officials (when available)


                Submits dates for tournaments to OMHA for minor sports

                Prepares all tournament day paperwork and scheduling and hands over to each teams tournament convenor for day of tournament. Each team is responsible for providing a person to oversee the day's tournament. (Check-in, game sheets, pay timekeepers/referees, awards)

                Is the contact person for tournaments: collects tournament fees, OMHA rosters & permission forms 

                Provides the dates and times needed for ice and millennium room to ice scheduler

                Arranges awards for tournaments and their presentation

                Arranges pay for refs and timekeepers for tournaments

                Communicates with tournament sponsor hotels


                Prepares tryout schedule

                Prepares master schedule for games, practices & tournaments

                Is the NDMS contact with arena in regards to ice issues/conflicts

                Checks and verifies ice time allotment

                Creates a list of dates for coaches/managers for all scheduling meetings.

                Provides dates and times to the OMHA rep and LEO rep for playoff scheduling.

                Routinely updates website ice schedule, including cancelled home games and practices as soon as possible


                Oversees the head coaching positions of each team

                Leads the development of coaches and trainers including attending practices and providing coaches with assistance in preparing and implementing practice and game strategies as required

                Leads the delivery of any development programs offered by the organization (ie. power skating, goalie clinics)

                Leads the coaching interview committee (must be made up of at least 3 members) and brings recommendations back to the executive. Recommendations must be listed in order of preference and all committee members are required to sign off on the report to the executive

                When a coach is not named for a team - make arrangements for a certified coach to be present on ice with players until a coach is assigned

                Assists the associations under 9 program coaches in implementing the OMHA Programming (Novice and below)  

                Runs the Monthly Coaches meetings and is the conduit between the Executive Board and the Coaches on a regular basis (i.e. what do the coaches need from the executive, what are the concerns, etc.)

                Work with the OMHA Contact Person to ensure all coaches, trainers, bench staff have the appropriate certifications


                Assists Tournament Convenor with the organization and day-of tournament requirements as required

                Assists the Special Projects/Fundraising Coordinator Fundraising/Special Events Chair with fundraising initiatives as required

                Assists other executive members with program delivery as required


                Assists Coaching Coordinator with the organization and delivery of pre-skates and development programs

                Assists Tournament Convenor with the organization and day-of tournament requirements as required

                Assists the Special Projects/Fundraising Coordinator Fundraising/Special Events Chair with fundraising initiatives as required

                Assists other executive members with program delivery as required


All positions will be declared vacant at the AGM and will all be available for nomination. 


All positions come with responsibility and a time commitment.


If you have questions about any position(s) or want to learn more about what each position’s responsibilities include and what the commitment is, please do not hesitate to reach out to any current executive member. 


Jen Stewart - NDMS Secretary [email protected]

Ryan Post - NDMS President [email protected]

Park Place Financial
Jason Begg, CFP, CHS Certified Financial Planner Park Place Financial 457 Water Street Peterborough, ON K9H 3M2 (705) 775-1324 ext. 238
Zenner Concrete
Address: 2831 County Rd 8, Norwood, ON K0L 2V0 Province: Ontario Phone: (705) 927-8757
259 Lansdowne Street East, Peterborough ON K9L 2A3 Phone: (705) 748-9955
NAPA Auto Parts
8th Line, 2238 ON-7, Norwood, ON K0L 2V0 Phone: (705) 639-5452
Horizon Family Dentistry
75 Concession St, Havelock, ON K0L 1Z0 Phone: (705) 778-2881
Archer Bulk Carriers
332 Belmont 7th Line, Havelock, ON K0L 1Z0 Phone: (705) 639-5100