Coach Liason Applications Now Being Accepted, News (Norwood Minor Hockey)

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Aug 09, 2022 | Jen Stewart | 724 views
Coach Liason Applications Now Being Accepted
Norwood Minor Sports is looking to fill the position of Coach Liason for the 2022/23 season. Position to start September 1, 2022 

This position is to be filled by application and final decision made by the executive. This is a NON Voting Executive member position.

A Coach Liason will work closely with our coaches and staff providing support, recommendations and encouragement throughout the season. This could be through meetings, online communications and attending practices and games. The successful candidate should possess both a hockey knowledge and background. 

Duties of the position are listed below  



  • Co-ordinates the development of coaches & trainers 
  • Sits on coaching interview committee and brings recommendations back to the executive
  • Recommendations to be listed in order of preference, all committee members to sign off on the report to the executive
  • Be familiar and assist the associations U7-U11 program in implementing the OMHA Programming  
  • Run Monthly Coach meetings and is the conduit between the Executive Board and the Coaches on a regular basis (i.e. what do the coaches need from the executive, what are the concerns, etc.)
  • Work with the OMHA Rep to ensure all coaches, trainers, bench staff have the appropriate certifications
  • When a coach is not named for a team - make arrangements for a certified coach to be present on ice with players until a coach is assigned
  • Attends and assists at least one practice with each team during the season (more if requested by the coaches) to provide recommendations, guidance, and strategy for the team
  • Follow up with coaches periodically throughout the season to see if they require guidance/assistance on any level, practices, game strategy
  • Provides coaches with assistance in preparing and implementing practices and game strategies
  • Attend monthly executive meetings and provide a report of activity. 


An honorarium will be offered to the Coach Liaison at a rate of $50.00/team to a maximum of $750.00 annually, provided that all the duties of the position have been satisfactorily fulfilled.


Those interested in the position are asked to submit a resume including your hockey experience, your goals in the position of Coach Liason and also please provide both player and personal references 


Please submit your application to President Ryan Post at [email protected]  


Deadline for applications Monday August 22, 2022

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