Mar 02, 2022 | Jen Stewart | 1073 views
Facility Protocols/POV Update March 1/22
ANCC Protocols have changed once again - effective today March 1, 2022.
Key points:
- All individuals who enter the facility shall be masked with some exemptions apply as per the provincial regulations; failure to do so will result in the two step enforcement act;All individuals are required to complete individual self screening prior to entry and to stay home if you have any symptoms.
- Facility doors will be unlocked prior to the first rental of the day and be locked at the end of the night.
- The process of Township staff checking active screening, identification and proof of vaccination is no longer in effect.
- Entrance and Exit to the facility shall be the lobby entrance to the Community Centre;
- No capacity limit for spectators
- In addition - protocols for the Havelock arena will follow the same changes.
Thanks, should you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.