REGISTRATION OPENING JUNE 15TH, News (Norwood Minor Hockey)

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Jun 12, 2020 | Jen Stewart | 791 views
Hello Hornet Families,

We hope this finds you all safe and healthy.

As an executive, we continue to meet and plan for the 2020/2021 Hockey Season. We have also been meeting with Hockey Canada, the Ontario Minor Hockey Association and the Ontario Hockey Federation to build our knowledge and understanding of what hockey might look like in the fall.  We don’t have all the answers yet, but we know that as long as the province stays on the current path, there will be hockey for all our families to enjoy.  

We are optimistic that we can get back to regular play, however we know that the start of the season may have to have a gradual implementation, possibly a later start, or a season that looks a little different than what we have experienced in the past.   We are working as hard as we can to be prepared for whatever direction we get from the governing bodies and our health officials. 

We are moving forward with Registration for Next Season so we can continue to plan and to be ready to react quickly once we get more details about what hockey in Ontario will look like.  However, due to the uncertainties with exactly what the season will look like, we are holding off on setting registration fees for next year.  We have committed to our families that we will keep costs as low as possible, as we know that many of our hockey families have been impacted by the global pandemic.  The executive has made a decision to use some of our organizations saved funds to make registration more affordable for our families.  We have consciously been saving money each year in the event that we would need to draw on these reserves, and we believe the realities of the economy and the impact on our hockey families may mean it is an important time to pull from our reserve funds.   We recognize that many families may be dealing with some uncertainty at this time, and we want you to know that we understand and will do what we can to ensure all children in our community can continue to play hockey.


Your registration is important so we can have an idea of numbers for teams next season.  Registration will open on June 15th, and we encourage all our families to get registered early. 




Registration Fees will be confirmed as soon as we have more information about what the season will look like and are able to understand the possible impacts on our annual budget.  Registration at this time will help the executive plan for the number of teams, selection of coaches, new equipment and jerseys that may be required, and the amount of ice time that we will need.  However we do understand that plans may change, so a registration can be withdrawn in advance of the start of the season.   


Please be patient as we wait for direction from OHF/Hockey Canada and the OMHA on what we can offer. We are anxious to have all our Hornets on the ice again, but not at the risk of the health of any of our players or families.


In the meantime - PLEASE REGISTER ONLINE - Opens June 15th.


We will have printable/fill in forms available as well under the registration tab.

If you choose this method - we ask that you please email to [email protected]


Stay safe and stay healthy and continue to work on your hockey skills at home!


NDMS Executive

259 Lansdowne Street East, Peterborough ON K9L 2A3 Phone: (705) 748-9955