Jul 30, 2018 | Jen Stewart | 802 views
Entry Level Referee Clinic
Otonabee Minor Hockey is offering an Referee Clinic
Saturday October 13
8:30am - 5:00pm
Small Hall, OSM Community Center
Cost (includes lunch)
Ages 14-15 $130.00
Ages 16+ $180.00
Before clinic all participants MUST:
- Have a criminal record check (with vulnerable sector for those 18+)
- Complete the Respect in Sport Activity Leaders Course (for 16+)
- Online Hockey University Course-link provided after registration on OMHA website. (You will need to bring proof of completion of the course(Printable certification)
NDMS is offering a 50% off the registration fee reimbursment to Asphodel Norwood residents upon completion of the referee course. Receipts and proof of certification to be provided.
Call or email AMY BICKMORE to register or if you have any questions.
[email protected]