Coach Liason Position - Applications Now Being Accepted, News (Norwood Minor Hockey)

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May 15, 2018 | Jen Stewart | 930 views
Coach Liason Position - Applications Now Being Accepted
This newly created position is being put in place to assist NDMS Coaches & Team Staff in their development and to act as a liason between coaches and the executive.


Duties of the position include but are not limited to:

  • Would co-ordinate the development of coaches & trainers 
  • Would take the lead role of the Coaching Interview Committee (schedule & organize) and would bring recommendations back to the executive.
  • Recommendations to be listed in order of preference, all committee members to sign off on the report to the executive.
  • Be familiar and assist the association's under 9 program in implementing the OMHA Programming (Novice and below)  
  • Run the Monthly Coaches meetings and be the conduit between the Executive Board and the Coaches on a regular basis (i.e. what do the coaches need from the    executive, what are the concerns, etc.)
  • Work with the OMHA Rep to ensure all coaches, trainers, bench staff have the   appropriate certifications
  • Evaluate coaches for D1 certification
  • Have an understanding of  the NCCP Coaching Certifications
  • When a coach is not named for a team- make arrangements for a certified coach to be present on ice with players until a coach is assigned.
    Follow up with coaches periodically throughout the season to see if they require guidance/assistance on any level, practices, game strategy
  • Provide coaches with assistance in preparing and implementing practices and game strategies


As a newly created position we would be looking for feedback and input on other duties that could be added to the position.

A successful candidate should:

1.       Possess a minimum D1 Coach Certification

2.       Coaching experience (does not have to have been with NDMS)

3.       A desire to assist and mentor NDMS Coaches and their staff

Candidates interested should submit an application to the executive for consideration.  Please include your qualifications and your coaching philosophy as well as any ideas/suggestions you would have to be added to the position.

Application can be forwarded to NDMS President - Greg Hartwick [email protected]

Application deadline is June 8, 2018.

A decision will be made by the executive on June 11th executive meeting.

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