Oct 18, 2017 | Jen Stewart | 1021 views
2017/18 Final Registration Fees Due
Final Registration Fees are due on or before November 1, 2017.
If you are unsure what amount is outstanding please contact treasurer Marnie Sicker at
[email protected]
Options to make final payments include:
1) E-transfer to [email protected]
2) Cash or Cheque (made payable to NDMS)- please see an arena attendant and have it placed in the safe. Please place in a sealed envelope with players name. if paying by cheque it can be placed in the Hornets lock box located just inside double doors beside the bulletin board. We do ask that you send Marnie a quick email to let her know it was placed in there.
3) Credit Card/Debit - using the following link on our website 2017 /18 Registration Final Payments
Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Marnie.